This comprehensive series of introductory physics courses help every student with zero background to master SATII, AP1, and AP2 level physics.
The art of physics is critical thinking.
The art of physics education is to learn through inquiry.
---by Prof. Man
Professor Man, (Biography)
Physics Ph. D. from Princeton University
A college professor with 10+ years of experience.
Physics is not hard if you meet the right teacher who focuses on understanding and reasoning.
Dive deep in the well-designed hands-on experimental assignments and critical thinking assignments for each lecture.
The active learning processes allow you to discover the underlining physics principles on your own.
At the price of one week of summer camp, enjoy 4 months of professional physics education.
Under Construction
​Physics is not only about equations and plugging numerical values into different equations.
Physics is all about Why and How! In our courses, it is curial to use experiments and well-designed logical questions to understand every single law in different subjects of General Physics.
We encourage students to use their own words to discuss why and how in the weekly assignments. Students are also asked to write optional Essaysto discuss what they learn and how they learn in the courses.
Here are some selected papers.
The invisible Hercules, by Jeffery C. G10, CA.
"This paper focuses on discussing why and how related to various gases laws and tells you how various experiments help the understanding."
Particle Theory vs. Wave Theory, by Lisa Zheng. G7, CA.
"This paper shows what we can learn from a 150-year long debate and includes plenty of diagrams and sketches to help the understanding.
Boring: What Optics Isn't, And How I Got There, by S Chen. G7, CA.
"This author tells us how much more you can learn from this course even if you have known a lot already."
More papers are coming soon in early Dec. 2021