This comprehensive series of introductory physics courses help every student with zero background to master SATII, AP1, and AP2 level physics.
The art of physics is critical thinking.
The art of physics education is to learn through inquiry.
---by Prof. Man
Professor Man, (Biography)
Physics Ph. D. from Princeton University
A college professor with 10+ years of experience.
Physics is not hard if you meet the right teacher who focuses on understanding and reasoning.
Dive deep in the well-designed hands-on experimental assignments and critical thinking assignments for each lecture.
The active learning processes allow you to discover the underlining physics principles on your own.
At the price of one week of summer camp, enjoy 4 months of professional physics education.
Most schools in Europe and Asia start their serious physics, chemistry, and biology education around the age of 13. There is a huge gap between the USA system and the rest of the world. Seeing physics pushed to the 12th grade in the USA breaks my heart. Also, there is no standard physics textbook in the USA. One school district on average only has one physics teacher. No wonder even some Princeton undergraduates with decent AP physics scores still struggle in physics courses, and Pre-MED students often complain that Physics is the hardest subject in MCAT.
As a professor with 10+ years of physics education experiences and a physics Ph. D. degree from Princeton University, and a mom of two very curious kids who love nature and science, what can I do?
By the time when I went to college at the age of 15, I have mastered AP-level physics well. I want to make what I was exposed to at an early age and what helped me to become a real scientist later, available for my kids and their peers.
So I created this series of video courses of introductory physics, which are comprehensive and accurate like classic textbooks, as well as interesting and inspiring like an eye-opening mentor.
All course materials and lectures are in English only.
Syllabus for Thermodynamics and Optics
Syllabus for Mechanics
Course format
Asynchronous learning at your choice of time
Weekly main lecture (concentrated videos): (40 to 60 minutes each) Watch any time
General introduction
Recorded video of experimental demos
Hands-on new experiments assignments with guidance
Observation questions and critical thinking questions
Logic reasoning, hypothesis, experiment design,
Data analyzing, Comparison, result discussion.
Draw conclusions------- physics laws,
The qualitative relations, and trend of measurable variables.
More questions to be asked
The quantitative relations and calculation.
SAT exam question practice
AP exam question practice
Solve problems in the real world.
Four lectures in a row for each subject (from basic to advanced).
Weekly discussion lecture videos: (25-45 minutes each)​
Assignment solutions and explanations
Discussions and review.
Weekly experiments and assignments.
Guided research projects for every topic.
Example: measure your local latitude and longitude on Sept. 21-22 (Autumnal equinox)
Biweekly advanced topic videos (AP exams related)
​Synchronous learning
Biweekly Live online lectures: (1.5 hours)
(recording provided) , two choices of time on Saturday
More focus on real-world applications and challenging content
Questions and answers
Deeper discussions.
Ask questions in advance, whenever you want.
Typical Main lecture arrangements
Very often, 4 main lectures (4 weeks) are grouped in a row progressively to provide in-depth of active-learning:
Lecture A (To introduce brand-new topics through inquiry)
Question page
Recorded experimental demo
Questions and discussions based on observations
Hands-on experimental assignments.
Critical thinking question assignments
Lecture B (To understand related concepts clearly)
Question page
Draw some qualitative conclusions from previous assignment results.
Introduce professional physics terms and explain the concepts using animations
More recorded demo/hands-on experiments/critical thinking questions
Targeting at a clear understanding of new concepts (differences and connections)
Raise more questions regarding cause and effects.
Lecture C (To understand the physics laws--- why and how clearly)
Question page
Draw quantitative conclusions from previous assignment results. (Physics laws)
More /critical thinking questions//hands-on experiments/ recorded demo
Targeting at a clear understanding of physics laws (cause and effect) (why and how)
Raise more questions to apply the new physics laws into daily-life experiences.
Lecture D (To focus on applications, problem-solving and more advanced content)
Question page
Examples of real-life applications.
Assignments for real-life problem-solving.
More difficult critical thinking questions and some optional hands-on experiments
Targeting at a deep understanding of more advanced topics.
Related SAT II physics sample question practice and assignments.