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Past Events

“Physics of Solar Eclipses and Beyond” by Prof. Man


Why and when should you learn physics


Invited Show: How fun is Physics! (Magic Show)

​【Invited Talk】Prof. Man was invited by the Art of Science to give a physics-based magic show.

【When】Sun 1/29/2023  10:AM PM PST

【Recording】Click the link here to watch the recording.

Public Lecture: Stories of Graphene and How it May Change Our Life

​【Audience】6-10 graders
【Guest Speaker】Yong P. Chen, Ph.D. Princeton University
      Director of Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute
      Karl Lark-Horovitz Professor of Physics and Astronomy
      Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
      Purdue University
【When】Sun 1/22/2023  1:00 PM PST

Public Lecture: The James Webb Space Telescope

​【Audience】6-10 graders
【Guest Speaker】Sam Cena, Robert Ferguson Observatory
【When】Sun 12/11/2022  4:30 PM PST

You’ll learn about the design and engineering of the most advanced space telescope ever built.
You’ll be on a journey from launch to destination and learn various aspects of the James Webb telescope and what’s so unique and special about this observatory.
What does the giant James Webb telescope see that Hubble can‘t? The invisible becomes visible.

Art of Physics Education's Physics Festival Event Series (#3):
Public lecture, “How to learn physics effectively”

​【Who】6-10 graders and their parents.
【What】A public lecture by Professor Man,
【When】01/15/2022 Sat. 10:20 AM PST
【Where】Zoom. English only.

Speaker: Professor Man, 

                  Physics Ph. D. from Princeton University
                  An award-winning college professor with 10+ years of experience. 

Why is physics important and fun?

What can you do to make physics much easier?

Is there a shortcut for learning physics?

How is physics different and related to other subjects?

What are the common ineffective approaches that you should avoid when you learn physics? 

How to build up a solid foundation in understanding physics laws as well as be prepared for physics tests?

What is inquiry-based active learning?

How can effective physics training prepare you better in many aspects outside of the field of physic?

Art of Physics Education's Physics Festival Event Series (#2):
Physics Is Everywhere Online Contest 2021

【Who】6-10 graders
【What】A fun physics contest focusing on conceptual questions related to daily life experiences without heavy math. You are welcome to try even if you have zero background in physics.
【When】One hour of your choice in the week of 12/19-12/26
【Where】AoPE’s online learning platform. English only.   
【Results】Congraulations to the winners! The full results can be found here.

Art of Physics Education's Physics Festival Event Series  (#1):
Physics Behind the Drinking Turkey - Why is Physics so Fun?

​【Who】6-10 graders
【What】Magical physics experimental demonstrations
【When】11/27/2021 Sat. 4:30 PM

特邀嘉宾:穆良柱,国际物理奥赛中国国家队前领队,北京大学物理学院演示实验室主任。穆教授将为同学们带来一场别开生面的物理演示实验盛宴,带同学们领略物理的奇妙之美,穆教授会用中文做现场解说。​穆长期讲授热学、普通物理、演示物理学等课程, 提出了ETA物理认知规律,被评为北京大学十佳教师,北京市青年教学名师。他曾多次担任物理奥赛国家队教练,率领中国队屡次夺得金牌。


欢迎6-10年级,对自然科学感兴趣,对物理好奇的同学参加。公益活动,免费注册, 欢迎转发。

Public lecture, “Why and How to Learn Physics”

【When】Sat 8/15/2020 10:30 AM PT

【Speaker】Professor Man

Is physics that hard?

Is physics “talent” inborn or acquired?

In Germany and other countries, formal physics begins in the 7th grade. What did USA students miss?

Why is physics special in providing critical-thinking and problem-solving training?

How to plant the seed for the lifelong pleasure of finding things out?

What are essential to master before taking AP physics?

How is physics related to and different from math?

Why shouldn't qualitative physics study rely on and wait for math study?

How to plan for different physics study roadmaps based on different academic goals?

What is wrong with physics education in the USA?

How can we fix it for our kids?

How to learn physics effectively?

What can I offer?

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